Ohio Cop
* ORC cheat sheet for traffic offenses; OVI; drug possession; drug trafficking; drug manufacturing; prescription drugs; tobacco; liquor laws; CCW permit holder violations and reciprocity agreements; statute of limitations; Castle Doctrine; ORC definitions (e.g. deadly weapon, offense of violence, etc.); conspiracy, attempt and complicity; degrees of mental culpability; organizational liability.
* Accident investigation formulas; brake efficiency; ORC charges; OH1 narrative templates; different tire size speed calculator
* County number listing; States requiring front license plate; CMV out of service orders & company snapshot.
* Spanish for law enforcement with text translator for other languages
* LiDAR test instructions; Warrant PUR guidelines
* Pill identifier; DEA drug schedule; DEA chemical list; pills of abuse photos; NADDI pharmaceutical drugs of abuse pamphlets; commonly abused prescription drug pics
* OVI SFST and new CPR technique video tutorials
* Case Law resource for probable cause (search); probable cause (arrest); reasonable suspicion; abandoned property; administrative search; community care taking; consent search; corrections (body cavity search; strip search; due process with discipline; prisoner drug testing); disorderly conduct type arrests; exculpatory evidence; exigent circumstances; expectation of privacy; good faith doctrine; hot pursuit; ignorance of law; incident to arrest search; international border searches; internal investigations; K-9 sniffs; Miranda; open fields doctrine; plain view; probationer searches; public authority defense; school searches; stop & frisk; suspect line-Up; thermal camera; traffic stops (pre-textual stops; passenger not free to leave; length of stops; order occupants out of vehicle; passengers to provide identification; miranda warnings; GPS, phone, and beeper pings; vehicle searches; vehicle inventory; roadblock / checkpoints); trash & garbage search; use of force; vehicle pursuits; warrant execution
*Liquor Permit Types; list of active permits (by County); permit violations (by County); and last 500 cancelled permits.
* News RSS feeds from American Police Beat, Officer.com, and PoliceOne.com.
* Legal update RSS feeds from multiple sources.
* Training articles regarding detecting concealed weapons, pluralistic ignorance, interview & interrogation, rookie drug interdiction mistakes, Drug Recognition Expert training, and OVI SFST video tutorials.
* Directory of OPOTC reported municipal police and county sheriff agencies, coroners offices, drug task forces, federal agencies, institutions, OSP posts, prosecutors, and state agencies.
* PDF Cheat Sheets (traffic code, criminal code, CCW, drug trafficking & possession, OVI, money laundering)
* Ohio Attorney General Crime Victims Compensation Program details