New Mexico Courts Case Lookup
District and Magistrate case information is updated every day. It is, therefore, current to within 24 hours of the time data is entered into a court's database. Cases filed prior to the completion of the statewide court automation project in June 1997, may exist in a separate database, depending on the individual court. If you are looking for cases filed prior to 1997 and do not find information on the web page, you should call the court directly.
If you have questions about the validity or accuracy of any data or if you have comments about the use of this web application or technical questions please E-mail them to [email protected].
Effective July 1, 2007 the New Mexico Judiciary will no longer display juvenile criminal cases on its Case Lookup Mobile Application. Effective July 1, 2008, the New Mexico Judiciary will no longer display Family Violence Protection Act Order of Protection cases on its Case Lookup Website. To access juvenile or order of protection information, please contact the court in which the case was filed. Contact information for all courts is available here.
To make a Magistrate/Metro Court credit card payment for fines and fees, please navigate to and click the Pay Fines/Fees link at the top of the page.