Fungsi dalam Mobil MyCukai:
1. Memaparkan dan menyemak profil pemohon yang telah didaftarkan dalam sistem MyCukai
2. Menyemak status permohonan berdasarkan fungsi carian nombor permohonan
Ciri-ciri yang terdapat dalam Aplikasi Mobil MyCukai:
1. Kemudahan kata laluan untuk login ke dalam MyCukai
MyCukai Mobile Apps is a facility that allows users to check the status of tax exemption and tax agent license applications which are submitted to the Ministry of Finance through MyCukai.
Functions of MyCukai Mobile:
1. To display and review applicants' profiles which have been registered in MyCukai.
2. To review the status of applications based on function of application number search
The characteristic of MyCukai Mobile Apps:
1. Ease of password for MyCukai login