My Safe Id
Protect the access to your accounts through a token directly in your mobile phone, with no need to connect to the Internet to query the services registered.
My Safe id's main advantages are:
● Easy to use.
● Just scan the QR Code and you're good to go. Your account is already protected.
● Practical and secure.
● Multiple accounts - It's that simple. Just add as many accounts as you want.
● Modern and compatible - It uses the TOTP standard, compatible with various services in the market.
The authentication token is automatically renewed by the application, eliminating the risk of undue access to your accounts.
My Safe id is compatible with TOTVS Identity and is available from the master-126 update.
Learn more about My Safe id at and Operation Manual at
Do you need to get in touch?
To address your doubts, suggestions or problems, open a ticket in our official TOTVS Fluig channel ( explaining the matter and sharing your contact information so we can help you with a solution.