My Location Timeline on Map
In today's world, we all travel long routes & visit so many places in a day...& sometimes you might forget what was the place that you visited on so & so date and time. Use this app to save your travel timeline with all locations and time details. Get your visited places timeline - day by day or date by date.
App features :
- Get a timeline of all locations that you visited with details like location, time & duration.
- Track your all location details with timings.
- Check location history with pincode, city, state, country, from date to date & even you can share these all details with anyone.
- Get the current location marker with the full location address.
# Key Points:
1) My Timeline: In this feature, you will see a list of days & calender view to get the whole day's location details by selecting any date. Check full timeline track of your whole day with location address.
2) Location History: Get the full location address with pincode, city, state, country, from date to date details.
3) My timeline: You will see the Full route of your noted timeline on Mapview.
4) My Places: You can get detail of a particular location by times & by hours.
- By time: Get the list of a particular location with different timings by selecting from date to date.
- By Hours: Get the list of a particular location based on Hours.
Location permission: Required to get location and show location history with a timeline.
Physical Activity : We use this permission for show user activity on Map timeline how user move to one destination to other destination ex : by Walk, by running, by cycle, etc.