Murchison GeoRegion
Witness the result of geological forces of colliding continents, long-gone oceans and destructive meteorites. Learn about Jack Hills and the oldest terrestrial material ever found, or marvel at any number of spectacular rock formations including Walga Rock, Mount Yagahong and London Bridge.
Discover unique native flora and fauna across Western Australia’s mulga region, and an array of birdlife at Wooleen Lake or Bilung Pool. Track emus, kangaroos and reptiles, and be treated to the dazzling annual display of wildflowers every July to September right across the Murchison.
Connect with stories and legends that map thousands of years of human history. WA’s longest continuous gold mining centre, Mount Magnet, is right here in the Murchison. Learn about the world’s oldest continuous underground mining operation at Wilgie Mia, see WA’s only remaining gold battery in action at Paynes Find, or the remains of a fine brewery in Sandstone.