Motivational Quotes
especially if you’re struggling with stress or negativity.
But inspiration can come from surprising places including
the palm of your hand.This apps is designed to inspire you
to keep moving forward with positive affirmations, tips, and
insights.Our app have various category of quotes given by
brilliant and famoum personality.This app keep you upadted with nice and
brilliants quotes and help you increasing your positive energy all day.
You can share these quotes easily at one click.
We have wide varieties of category and these are upadted daily.List of categories are:-
1.Postive Quotes
2.Love Quotes
3.Inspirational Quotes
4.Famous Quotes of eminent personalities
5.Inspirational quoutes for students
6.Motivational quotes
7.Married couples quotes
8.Motivational Trending quotes quotes
10.Friendhsips quotes
and many more...
We have separated quotes given by famous personalities and include all famous personalites in list.List of these are:
1.Mahatma Gandhi
2. Martin Luther King Jr.
3.William Shakespeare
4.Albert Einstein
5.George Washington
6.J.K. Rowling
7.Kabir Das
8.Swami vivekadand
9.Osho: A Great Philosopher
10.Subhas Chandra Bose
and many more...
We have included reading post feature in which various fun facts,history,science and many more topics are posted by expert which you can read free in this app.
Everything is free in this app and you can share it at one click.