Metro Phone Dialer & Contacts
If you are get bored of old dialers look then Metro Phone Dialer & Contacts is perfect choice for you.
In iDialer, there are many features in the dialer app like see, search and manage contacts, see recent calls history, add and remove contacts in favorite. It has incoming and outgoing call screen. With conference call facility.
Fast & Easy to use:
iDialer is very simple and easy to use because of it simple i15 user interface which supprt call waiting, merge and swipe.
Conference Call:
You can make conference call in this iDialer phone app.
Different Categories:
Metro Phone Dialer & Contacts provides different view based on different category to user such as favorite contacts, contacts details, calls history which user can navigate easily by just swiping.
Contacts Operations:
Metro Phone Dialer & Contacts has made easy for users to perform all contact operations such as add contact, edit contact, delete contact, mark as favorite, and remove from favorite, share contact information with others by clicking on contacts.
Quick & Easy Searching:
Metro phone provides very easy searching option using that you can search any contact by its name from contact list.