Merry Christmas CountdownWatch
⚙️ Watch Face Features
• Countdown to Christmas displayed in real-time
• Date, month and day of the week.
• Battery %
• Steps Counter
• Event
• Ambient Mode
• Always-on Display (AOD)
🔋 Battery
For better battery performance of the watch, we recommend disabling the "Always On Display" mode.
After installing the Merry Christmas Countdown Watch, follow these steps:
1.Open the Companion App on your phone.
2.Tap "Install on Watch".
On your watch, select the Merry Christmas Countdown Watch from your settings or watch face gallery.
3.Your watch face is now ready to use !
✅ Compatible with all Wear OS devices API 30+ including such as Google Pixel Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch etc.
Not suitable for rectangular watches.
Thank you !