Lily Wavy Digital Watch
12/24 Digital time HH:MM (auto-sync with your Phone time) No leading '0' in 12hr time (H:MM)
Bright & Big digits - easy to read.
MM color is changeable.
8 Lily Themes including two Golden.
Check the Themes screen to see the active areas.
The face includes a Set of the useful Widgets and Shortcuts.
Active mode FEATURES
- 12/24 Digital time HH:MM (auto-sync with your phone time)
- Day of Week/Date/Month
- 7 Languages supported: EN, RU, DE, ES, IT, FR, TR (Auto-sync with your phone language)
- Schedule Shortcut (by Tap)
- Battery %
- Step counter
- SHealth Shortcut
- Heart Rate
- Shortcut to Measuring Heart Rate(Tap to start measuring )
- 8 Themes of the Flowers (both on the left&right sides) - Make your own combinations!
- 12/24 Digital time HH:MM
- Day of Week/Date/Month (7 Languages supported)
- Battery %
Please find more details on our Features graphics.
Please feel free to contact us by email if you have any questions or suggestions!