Libhayibheli LeliNgcwele
Furthermore the bible in Siswati language offers out of the world editing features to save favorite verses, bookmarks, highlights and notes very handy as this can be shared or kept for future reference.
some of the features offered:
✰ Conveniently View all verses Offline
⋆ Edit comments and save them as notes
✰ Save & Share Favorite Holy Spirit scriptures
✬ Easily find any word, phrase, number anywhere in the bible by search
✧ Automatically records your reading history
✶Bookmark chapters for future reference such as psalm 91
✰Copy multiple verses and paste them as you wish
⋆Easily navigate through the bible
✰ A Myriad of Wonderful Styles and themes to suite your mood
✷Daily Bible Quotes and a swipe functionality to view more daily verses
✰ Lightweight and very efficient to open books and chapters through multiple options
✷ Customize the text size for easy readability
✰Choose how text is aligned on page, align left, center, right or justify
✷Notifications to remind you to read from where you last left or of daily quotes in the time that you set
✰Highlights feature to highlight verses with various colors