LG EnerVu
- Typo was corrected(ex. Registraction -> Registration)
Version : 1.2
- Add Warning popup when the Installer Mode entry.
- Menu title change
System Configuration -> Network Connection
- Mac address list -> AC Module Registration
- Stay the web server connection check value until app exit.
- Add result popup when press the “Set” button at Network Connection
- Add Quick Setup at Network Connection
- Several features set automatically as a “Quick Setup Set”
Several features are Time Sync, Ethernet Setting, NTP Setting and Web Server Setting.
Version : 1.1
LG EnerVu supports MonoX ACe installation and control features by connecting with LG EnerBox gateway through a smartphone or tablet
[Key Features]
1. LG MonoX ACe MAC address administration
2. LG MonoX ACe system status monitoring
3. LG MonoX ACe Grid configuration
4. LG MonoX ACe System configuration
5. LG EnerBox Firmware update
LG EnerVu must be connected to LG EnerBox gateway via Wireless LAN for intended operation