Learn clock and time
This telling time app with clock games has multiple interactive modes including simple learn, quiz, game, time clock, and settings. The ‘Simple Learn’ mode is basically the learning clock, tell time mode and the first step towards time learning which shows the time in hours and minutes and its corresponding time learning in the time clock. The ‘Quiz’ mode will let your child select the correct option for the time shown in the kids clock. The third one, ‘Game’ mode is a time game which lets your kids popping the balloons in a minute and score highest marks by popping the maximum number of balloons. The ‘Stop the Clock’ mode is also a kind of learn tell time quiz which asks kids to stop the clock at the exact time mentioned in hours and minutes.
Key Features
- Telling time
- Multiple choice answers
- Educational game to learn telling time
- Beautiful clock animations to learn tell time
- Kids will learn to move the hour and minute hand to set the time
- Easy to use
- Kids-friendly
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