Laundry Rush Washing Shop Game
In these laundry service clothes games you might see from the beginning is actually a laundry challenge and a cleaning one as well. Open your laundry shop on time and start entertaining the customers by picking dirty clothes. It is a challenging time management games for girls so keep an eye on time and don't let any customer get angry in the dirty clothes cleaning games.
Take the responsibility in your hands and prove to yourself and everyone around you that you can manage to replace your mom on laundry day without any problem. But to be able to do that you need to practice until you get the job complete. So this cleaning game is exactly what you need for that. As you might see from the beginning is actually a laundry challenge and a cleaning one as well. The room is a total mess and you have to make it clean again using those tools you dispose of. Each part is cleaned with a different kind of tool and you actually have to accomplish all the given tasks so you can move to the next step.
First, you have to make sure you clean all the dirty clothes and clothes mess in the dry cleaner shop. Perform all the laundry washing shop responsibilities well like a pro laundry shop manager of the town. Don’t let down your customers, clean, dry and iron their clothes well!
Take orders from customers for dirty clothes laundry.
Wash all these dirty clothes in laundry washing machines.
Dry all the clothes on a perfect sunny day.
Press all the clothes for the perfect ironing.
Use sewing machine to stitch the clothes