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iPAL-HIST101 : SkyBases, Inc.


Download iPAL-HIST101 APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Version 1.0
Updated 2024-12-30
Developer SkyBases, Inc.
ID com.pal.hist101
Installs 0
Category Educational


How well do you know the historical events in the U.S.?

It’s easy to know that George Washington became President before Neil Armstrong landed on the moon; but do you know which happened earlier between these two events –

> Charles Lindbergh makes the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight.
> Panama Canal opens to traffic.

In this game, you will be given a list of random U.S. historical events, like these. All you have to do is to sort them in their correct chronological order, with the earliest event being on top of the list.

By the way, the Panama Canal, which was owned by the U.S. at the time, opened to traffic in 1900, and Charles Lindbergh made the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight in 1908.

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