InfixLMS Admin
InfixLMS is a Flutter mobile app designed for administrators and instructors to manage their learning system efficiently. Instructors can seamlessly create courses, virtual classes, and quizzes, track progress, communicate with students, and evaluate assignments.
1. Manage category
2. Manage course level
3. Manage course
4. Manage Lesson
5. Manage Assignment
6. Manage Exercise
7. Manage course price plan
8. Assign course certificate
9. Manage Quiz
10. Manage Question bank
11. Manage virtual live class
12. Zoom
13. Student list
14. Profile update
1. instructor can perform the above feature but these depend on permission
2. Manage education
3. Manage Experience
4. Manage skills
5. Payout
App access credential:
For Admin
Email : [email protected]
Password : 12345678
For Instructor
Email : [email protected]
Password : 12345678