ICT Vehicle Log Management App
For BCC Staff:
Request Trips: Easily submit trip requests.
Dashboard: View pending, accepted, and recent trips.
For BCC Senior Staff:
Approve Requests: Accept trip requests from BCC Staff.
Monitor Trips: Keep track of pending and ongoing trips.
For BCC Admin:
Assign Cars and Drivers: Allocate vehicles and drivers to accepted trip requests.
Monitor Resources: View available drivers, ongoing trips, and new trip requests.
For Drivers:
Manage Trips: View and manage new and recent trips.
Trip Controls: Start and stop trips as necessary.
This app is designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of vehicle trip management within the BCC. Whether you're requesting a trip, approving requests, assigning resources, or driving, the BCC Vehicle Log Management app provides the tools you need for a smooth and organized process.
Download now to experience a user-friendly, efficient solution for managing vehicle trips within the BCC.