Holy Quran (Azerbaijan)
This application offers the Koran, the holy book of Islam, in Portuguese, to download it for free on your phone!
All Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the Word of God. Mandatory daily prayer includes the recitation of verses and chapters. It is the basis of the Islamic religion.
The Quran is a glorious, pure, eternal book, carries many teachings and wisdom. It is God's greatest gift, a guide to life for all mankind.
The Qur'an is the word of God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, verse by verse, surata by surata over the course of 23 years. When Muhammad recited them, his followers memorized and then began to gather them into the Qur'an.
Muslims may refer to the Quran using a title that denotes respect, such as Al-Karim ("the Noble One") or Al-Azim ("the Magnificent").
It is one of the most read and published books in the world. It is a widespread practice in most Muslim societies that the Qur'an is not sold, but given
The suras are as follows: AI Opening, 2 The Cow, 3 The Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Served, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Cimos, 8 The Spolios, 9 Repentance, 10 Jonas, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abraham, 15 Alhijr, 16 The Bees, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Faithful, 24 The Light, 25 The Discernment, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ants, 28 The Narratives, 29 The Spider, 30 The Byzantines, 31 Lucman, 32 Prostration, 33 The Parties, 34 Sabbath, 35 The Creator, 36 Yásin, 37 The Lined, 38 A Letter Sad, 39 The Groups, 40 The Remissory, 41 The Detailed, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Kneeling, 46 The Dunes, 47 Mohammad, 48 The Triumph, 49 The Chambers, 50 The Letter Caf , 51 The Winds, 52 The Mountain, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Clement, 56 The Events Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Discussion, 59 The Exile, 60 The Examined, 61 The Rows, 62 The Sixth , 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Defraudings 65 The Divorce, 66 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibitions, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Calamus, 69 The Reality, 70 The Routes, 71 Noah, 72 The Genies, 73 The Covered, 74 The Emperor, 75 The Resurrection, 76 Man , 77 The Sent, 78 The News, 79 The Snatchers, 80 The Austere, 81 The Winding, 82 The Fission, 83 The Fraudsters, 84 The Crevasse, 85 The Constellations, 86 The Night Visitor, 87 The Most High, 88 The Desolate Event , 89 The Aurora, 90 The Metropolis, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Hours, 94 The Comfort, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Decree, 98 The Evidence, 99 The Earthquake, 100 The Riders , 101 The Calamity, 102 The Greed, 103 The Age, 104 The Defamer, 105 The Elephant, 106 The Coraxites, 107 The Obsessions, 108 Abundance, 109 The Unbelievers, 110 The Help, 111 The Sparta, 112 The Oneness, 113 The Dawn, 114 The Humans.
Download the Qur'an, the eternal miracle of Islam, the word of God recited and memorized by millions.