Harris Teeter
- Mobile Pay is now accepted in store
- 3 ways to shop online: Pickup, Delivery, or Ship products directly to your home
- Leverage Start Your Cart to add to list or cart for 'Buy Again' and 'Recent Items'
- Add to list or cart for My Specials, Weekly Ad, and Savings Alerts
- Scan items in your pantry and add to list or cart
- Add order notes/select preferred substitutions
- Check-In via app with "On my way" or "I'm here"
- Purchase HT Plus Membership
- Access digital receipts for in store and online purchases
- Same day delivery and pickup options
- View your VIC card and enroll in e-VIC for personalized savings
- View Savings to clip e-VIC digital coupons
- View Fuel Points- Shopping lists improvements
- Link your VIC card for Together in Education (TIE) contributions
- Refill and transfer prescriptions to your pharmacy, schedule vaccine appointments