Grooz VPN - Fast & Secure WiFi
Why Grooz VPN?
-) No credit card required.
-) Possibility to use anonymously.
-) Connect with one click. No need for any settings.
🚀 Worldwide VPN Servers
We are here for your safety with our premium VPN servers in 23+ countries.
🛡️ Secure Wi-Fi
With Grooz VPN, you can connect to any Wi-Fi network completely securely. When the VPN connection is active, potential malicious people cannot track you and never reach you.
🔐Military Level Encryption
We encrypt your connections at military level with AES-256 method.
√ One Account Max Security: Grooz One.
Optionally, if you get a Grooz One account, you can protect your Android and iOS devices at the same time.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1️⃣ Who is VPN for?
VPN is for anyone who wants to keep their internet connection private and their identity safe. However, we recommend that people who connect to Wi-Fi networks, especially in public areas, use a VPN connection.
2️⃣ Why should I use a VPN app instead of a browser plugin?
Because when you provide a VPN connection with a browser add-on, only your browser visits will be protected. However, apart from the browser, all your other background data will be unencrypted and openly hackable. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you connect with a VPN application.
3️⃣ Grooz VPN is Free?
Unfortunately, Grooz VPN is not free. It is a premium VPN provider. However, when you download it, you can start using it at a very affordable price for the first month.
4️⃣ Do I need to create an account?
No, you can provide VPN connection anonymously and enjoy the internet without limits.