Golden Calculator
It has a refined appearance that emulates gold.
Its buttons are gold plated and have precious stones embedded, which contain:
💎 106 diamonds
💎 5 sapphires
💎 2 rubies
💎 1 emerald
You also have the following.
✔ Basic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
✔ Trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent)
✔ Logarithmic and neperian functions
✔ Constants "Pi" and "e"
✔ You can configure the sound and vibration of the buttons
✔ Possibility of keeping the screen always on
✔ Selection of the number of decimal places
✔ You can enter long formulas and multiple parentheses
✔ Unlimited calculation history
✔ Black Background results with bold white letters for better visibility.
✔ Supports 12,000 models of Android devices.
What are you waiting for, start enjoying "GoldenDragon Calculator"‼