Gin Rummy
- Easy options to sort your cards. Tap the Sort Hand button to sort by Rank, Suit or Meld or you can drag and drop the cards to sort them. Tap “Sort by” to change the sorting method. Auto will sort new cards into your hand automatically.
- 12 Unique Opponents to choose from.
- Play individual matches against your opponents or play a tournament to match your skills against each opponent in turn. See “Game Type” in the Options menu.
- Options for Sound, Deadwood count and more!
- Statistics to track your wins, scores, hand results and more. Filter by opponent and/or by date!
- Pick up an accidental discard if opponent has not acted yet.
- Rating system so you can measure your skills and track your progress.
- Strategy section in Help.
- Smooth gameplay.
- Hours of entertainment!
Gin Rummy is a terrific game that you're sure to enjoy.
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