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Fragrantica Perfumes : Fragrantica Team


Download Fragrantica Perfumes APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Name Fragrantica Perfumes APK
Version 2
Updated 2024-03-13
Developer Fragrantica Team
ID com.fragrantica.www.twa
Installs 354,202
Category Beauty

Fragrantica Perfumes

Fragrantica is an online encyclopedia of perfumes, a perfume magazine, and a community of perfume lovers. Fragrantica informs its readers about new perfume launches, famous fragrances, and less-known but wonderful scents. Together we travel in time and space, where perfumes are the shining stars we use to navigate. We learn about their history, we discover far-away places, and respectfully explore the life we see around us, always taking time to be amazed by Nature. Fragrantica is a place to learn from each other and relax in the company of your soul mates.
Fragrantica is an independent magazine, based in San Diego (California, USA). Fragrantica is available in several different languages and is open to everybody. You are welcome to contribute your reviews, read our articles and other content for your individual information, and take part in our forum discussions as well. We only ask you to be considerate of each other to enable everyone to enjoy their experience.

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