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Download FirstAid + Assistant APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Name FirstAid + Assistant APK
Version 1.1.0
Updated 2023-12-01
ID help.emergency.kit.firstaid
Installs 1,523
Category Medical

FirstAid + Assistant

First Aid + Assistant, Your first choice when ambulance is delayed or before ambulance reach to you!

When you are in a emergency situation and ambulance not reaching you soon, how to deal with it?

You need some instructions and First Aid is your first choice.

First Aid + Assistant is designed to help you, follow the right procedures in a stressful situation or support other people by giving them instructions. This app covers in depth all topics required for a standard first aid course, and also includes a section on advanced topics.

With simple step-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid. Accidents happens First Aid + Assistant App puts expert advice for everyday emergencies in your hand. Get the app and be prepared for what life brings.

First Aid + Assistant contents:

- First Aid Introductions, Need to First Aid training, Protect yourself, Common first Aid situations, Things to Remember, Tips, Warnings.

- First Aid Kit Info - How to use, How to make, Where to keep, Contents of First aid.

- Any Health Emergency, Blood Importance, Blood Donations, Necessity,
Types, How Donation Helps, Donation Chart, Pregnancy.

- Emergency numbers.

First Aid + Assistant :

- Step by Step procedure for Dealing Amputation, Asthma, Bleeding, Blood in Urine, Breathing, Burns, Chest Pain, Chocking, cuts, Diarrhoea, DogBites, Epilepsy, Fainting, Fever, Food Poisoning, Fracture, Head injury, Heart attack, muscle strain, No breathing, nose bleed, poisoning, rectal bleeding, snake bites, stings, stroke, sunburn.

- Instructions for CPR, CPR(Baby), Dealing Emergency, Hand Washing, Stress First aid, Training.

- Accidental injury, any body injury with blood bleeding situations before ambulance comes use our First Aid + app can save life

- When ambulance is late First Aid + app help you for emergency tips

- Immunity Improvements tips and remedies

Take some time to learn first aid and CPR. It saves lives, and it works.

Any emergency can be handled easily with adequate preparation, including a medical one.

First aid is essential in emergency cases. Knowing what action needs to be taken to control an emergency can make the difference All items in the first aid kit are listed with their required quantities.

User nominates which kit they’re auditing, which is time and date stamped with electronic signature. Ensures that when items are used mentioned in this app.

Download the Free First Aid App & Free Emergency Kit App, take it wherever you go and who knows you might be able to save someone life today.

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