Financial Accounting (S.S 1-3)
Learn financial accounting book app is essential for students and beginners. It will give you most common & useful chapters. This app will provide you example & explanation. So now you can carry your financial accounting books collection anywhere by this app and can learn anytime.
Financial accounting app offline features:
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Principles of Double Entry & Accounting Equation
Source Documents
Subsidiary Books
The Ledger
Cash Book
Trial Balance
Bank Transactions & Reconciliation Statements
Correction of Errors & Suspense Account
Accounting Concepts & Conventions
The Final Accounts of a Sole Trader
Adjustments to Final Accounts
Provisions & Reserves
Manufacturing Accounts
Capital & Revenue Expenditure
Control Accounts & Self-balancing Ledgers
Stock Valuation
Single Entry & Incomplete Records
Accounts of Not-for-Profit-Making Organization
Partnership Accounts
Company Accounts
Accounting Ratio
Departmental Accounts
Branch Accounts
Public Sector Accounting
Information Technology in Accounting
Miscellaneous Accounts
Financial System