Extreme Analog WF Wear OS 4+
a. Before you buy this watch face you must know this watch face has more than 9 customization menu options and Customization via Galaxy Wearable Samsung Galaxy Wearable app tends not to behave nice randomly with watch faces made in Samsung Watch Face Studio that has more than 5 customization options it happens irrespective of the watch face developer if the watch face has many Customization Options.
DO NOT buy this watch face if you only are used to do customization via Galaxy Wearable app. This bug is present for last 4 years in Galaxy Wearable App and ONLY Samsung can fix it. Stock WFs on Samsung Watches are made in Android Studio & NOT Samsung WF Studio, so this issue does not exist on them. If you bought this WF by mistake or just testing and refund button disappeared after default time limitation. Just email within 48 hours of purchase & get a refund from developer's side. Developers have special privileges to refund customers whenever wanted.
This watch face for Wear OS has following features:-
1. Background Styles Options
10x Light based colored Background Styles including default options are available in customization menu both for Main and AoD Display Separately.
2. Shadow On WF Option
On Top of background has been created and added as a customization menu option by default its off and has 2 more settings besides default.
3. Hands Styles Option
has 4 options including default. Please See Screen Preview no 8 on Phone Google Play Store app of this watch face, all 4 types are shown :-
a. 1st & 4th hand styles colored markers on top of base hands are of luminous nature. and their base color is non colored
b. 2nd & 3rd hand styles colored markers on top of base hands are of non luminous nature. and their base color has colored options also.
4. The hours Index Bars Styles Option
have 7 styles. 1st style is default & follows colors shown in colors options in customization menu. All other Hour Index Bar Styles have been created separately and added along with default style as an option in customization menu.
4. The Steps & Battery Chronographs
a. Chronograph Styles Option
10x styles. 1st style is default & follows colors shown in colors options in customization menu. All other Chronograph Styles created separately and added along with default style as an option in customization menu.Please see the rest of the styles in Screen Preview no 8 in phone play store app Screen Previews. All styles have been shown.
b. Steps & Chronograph Needles Color Markers
They change their color on different percentages please see image preview no 8 in phone play store app Screen Previews.
5. Chronograph Lights Option
This Option turns Colors On/Off inside Both Chronographs where needles and icons are. Options for both Main & AoD are available separately in customization menu.
6. The Months Text Index Option
It has 10 styles. 1st style is default & follows colors shown in colors options in customization menu. All other Months Text Index Styles have been created separately and added along with default style as an option in customization menu.
7. Bezel/Months Cover
It has 5 x Options 1st is default and set to off . Please see the rest of the styles in Screen Preview 8.
8. Tap on Digital Clock to show/hide a silver frame with black base under the clock.
9. Tap On Day text shown and it will open watch alarm app.
10. Tap at 5 o clock hour index bar to open watch phone app.
10. Tap at 7 o clock hour index bar to open watch messaging app.
11. Tap at 11 o clock hour index bar to open watch phone play store app.
12. Tap at 1 o clock hour index bar to open watch Google Maps app.
13. Tap at 6 o clock hour index bar to open watch music menu.
14. Tap at 12 o clock hour index bar to open watch settings menu.