Expense reports
- Enter your expenditure throughout your travels;
- Transfer your expenses to your manager for validation;
- Monitor the progress of your previous reports;
- View the latest reimbursed reports;
- Match the image of the travel receipt with the expenditure.
Entry of expenditure:
- From the list of available expense natures;
- From the photo of the travel receipt;
- When in a hurry, saving of the report in "draft" format for completion later on;
- Automatic attachment of expenditure to missions to simplify the submission process.
Full integration with the Cegid XRP Ultimate ERP:
- Availability of expenses entered using the mobile version in the desktop version of the dashboard;
- Use of the common repository across the ERP (cost accounting centers, currencies, etc.);
- Consideration of the parameterization (expense categories, expense classes, validation circuit, etc.).