Evidenced Based Medicine Guide
EBMG is designed to provide you with the information you need quickly (seconds, not minutes) and using a single search term. Designed for use at the point of care, the guidelines are delivered in a format that makes it easy for a clinician to make a decision regarding treatment.
Key Features:
- Nearly 1,000 concise primary care practice guidelines
- Over 4,000 quality-graded evidence summaries, supporting the given recommendations
- The strength of evidence is graded from A-D making this title a quick and easy reference whenever and wherever you need it!
- Developed by over 300 experienced general practitioners and specialists worldwide
- An expanding collection of videos (currently over 60), showing clinical examinations and procedures, and ultrasonographic examinations
- A searchable library of 1,400 high-quality photographs and images of all common and many rare dermatological conditions, electrocardiograms and eye images.
- Audio samples linked to articles, including descriptions of pulmonary diseases and heart murmurs in children
- Tools for the calculation of e.g. peak expiratory flow rate variation, body mass index and LDL cholesterol
- Provides physicians with fast and easy access to practice guidelines based on the best available research evidence
- Includes both diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines, and recommendations on diagnostic tests and drug dosage
- Presented in a user-friendly format with self-contained topics based on clinical subjects
- Clear and concise explanations of all available evidence results in the guideline for treatment
- Assumes no prior knowledge of EBM or statistics - all the work of searching and appraisal has been done for you!
- Seeks to include guidelines where clinical evidence is incomplete or unavailable