Each player is dealt 5 cards one card is turned face-up which can be chosen as trump and if none of the players chooses this as trump, then one has to choose a suit as trump. The player who chooses the trump is called 'Maker'.
Choosing trump is also known as calling, or making or naming trump.
Euchre Scoring
The team that chooses trump gets 3 or 4 tricks: 1 point.
The team that chooses trump gets 5 tricks: 2 points.
The team that did choose trump wins 3 or more tricks (called 'Euchred'): 2 points.
The first team to win 10 points wins the game.
Euchre comes with three smart AI players who will keep the game highly challenging.
❖❖❖❖ Euchre Features❖❖❖❖
✔✔ Designed for both Tablet and Phone
✔✔ Amazingly addictive game play.
✔✔ Completely Free!
✔✔ Challenging AI!
Euchre is also known as Knock Euchre.