Ethiopian Calendar and Note
🎯 Show Ethiopian Calendar
🎯 Convert Dates between Ethiopian and Gregorian
🎯 Calculate Age
🎯 Give further information about your Age including your Zodiac
🎯 Give Information for each day - Monthly holiday (Saints) and Yearly holiday
🎯 Give Fasting Dates for Ethiopian Christians
🎯 Take Notes
🎯 Show your notes on monthly or daily basis
🎯 Set a reminder on your default calendar (Google Calendar or Samsung Calendar)
🎯 Show yearly Ethiopian holidays with a beautiful view - including images
🎯 Show the Current Ethiopian Date and Time
🎯 Design in mind to be used in one hand. With simple hand gestures, you can access all the features of the calendar
🎯 Included beautiful home widgets - to see Ethiopian and Gregorian Dates on your home screen
ተጨማሪ አዳዲስ የተሰሩ ስራዎች:-
🎯 የተለያዩ የካሌንደር እይታ አማራጮች
🎯 ቁጥሮች በግዕዝና በአረብኛ አማራጭ ተካቷል
🎯 የዓመቱን ካሌንደር በ አንድ አምድ ወይም በሁለት አምድ ማየት የሚቻልበት አማራጭ ተካቷል
🎯 የሳምንቱን የመጀመሪያ ቀን እሁድ ወይም ሰኞ ለማድረግ አማራጭ ተካቷል
🎯 ስለ እድሜ መግለጫ መስጫ በአሃዝ እንዲሁም በዞዲያክ ያለወትን ጥንካሬና ደካማ ጎን ጨምሮ ሌሎች መረጃወትን እንዲሰጥ ተደርጓል
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