eSchoolPLUS Family
This app is free to families of schools that have eSchoolPLUS Mobile Connector enabled. If your school does not show up, please contact your school district for more information.
Feature List:
Alerts: Parents will be alerted of important notifications right on the home screen. They can receive unique alerts for things such as:
* Attendance
* Student Fees
* Grades
* School Updates
* ...and more
Schedule: Let parents know where their children are on any given day throughout the year. Details include:
* Dates and times
* Class names
* Room numbers
* Teacher assignments
Resources for Success
* Provide extra resources such as lunch menus, social media accounts, and a unique RSS feed.
* Plus, parents will always have access to important transportation information like pickup times, pickup days, bus number assignment, and bus stop location.
Classwork: Provide detailed classwork information for parents and students to reference, such as:
* Due dates
* Descriptions
* Categories
* Associated links
* Scores
* ...and more
Grades on the Go: Parents can stay up-to-date on student success through detailed comments, class grades, and interim progress reports and report cards.
Calendar: Assignments, events, activities, and tardies can be viewed as month or list details and can be synced with personal calendars for easy access.
Activities: Always keep parents and students up-to-date on when practices, clubs, and events will take place and show information such as:
* Activity name
* Instructor/coach
* Location
* Dates and times