Emoji Battery Status Bar
Emoji Battery Widget: Battery icon on status bar become emoji battery icon. Customize status bar and battery icon battery indicator. Your phone will have new status bar style with heart emoji battery icon. Make you phone unique with just you with new iPhone status bar style and emoji battery status.
• Customize status bar.
- Set custom height of status bar
- Set margin of status bar icons from left & right side
- Change icon colors
- Change Battery Level text color
- Change status bar background color
- Apply any color template themes on status bar
- Change battery icon with different emojis with customization option
• Add gesture on status bar and set action you want to perform.
- Set vibration on touch with custom vibration Intensity level
- Set On tap, On long press, swipe left to right and swipe right to left gestures on status bar
- Perform below mention Gesture actions
* Back Action
* Home Action
* Take Screenshots
* Lock Screen
* Power Options
* Open Control Canter
* Open Notification
- This application uses ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES: To set up and display the custom status bar, show more information such as time, battery, connection status.
- We do not collect and/or share personal or sensitive data using the accessibility capabilities. Please open an application and grant permission to enable Emoji Battery Status.
DOWNLOAD the all new Emoji Battery Status Bar: Fun Moji app NOW!!!