This App is specially designed for Distributors (or) Dealers who sell the products to retailers through Sales Persons and Field Executives.
This App support the Sales Person to view the entire information about the selected customer like Sales Order / Receivables / Sales / Delivery Product Detail through DC and They can make the Receipt entry while receive the payment against the supplied materials.
Sales persons can view their target & achieved, Area wise customers can be focused very easily.
Report Section will enable to view the detailed information of Sales / Order / Receipts / Stocks and etc…
1. Dashboard – Target & Achieved
2. Sales Trends for the selected customers
3. Sales Orders can be taken
4. Receive the payments from customers
5. Directly Sales can be made
6. Mark the quantity for sold in the showroom which made through Delivery Challan
7. Complete reports can be view
8. New users gain access to map-based route tracking, enabling efficient navigation, and can effortlessly log and manage their expenses directly within the app