Diver Classic 13 Wear OS 4+
This watch face for WEAR OS has been made in Samsung Galaxy Watch face studio which is still evolving and has been tested on Samsung Watch 4 Classic , Samsung Watch 5 Pro, and Tic watch 5 Pro. It also supports other wear os 3+ devices. Some feature experience can be slightly different on other watches.
a. Visit this link to official Install Guide written by Tony Morelan. (Sr. Developer, Evangelist). For Wear OS Watch faces powered by Samsung Watch face Studio. It is very detailed and precise with graphical and image illustrations on How to install the watch face bundle part to your connected wear os watch. Here is the link:-
b.An effort also has been made to make a brief INSTALL GUIDE which is an image added with screen previews .It is the last image in previews of this watch face for newbie android Wear OS users or those who do not know how to install the watch face to your connected device. So it is requested to also make an effort and read it before posting cannot install statements.
c. DO NOT PAY TWICE FROM WATCH PLAY STORE . READ The Install Guide Image again. See 3 x methods 100 percent working to install both phone app and watch app . See the center image its of the drop down menu in Phone Play store app use it to directly install to the 2nd part of the watch face on your watch.
The watch face has following features:-
1. Tap on day text to open watch settings menu.
2. Tap on digital clock to open watch alarm app.
3. Tap on date text to open watch calendar menu.
4. Tap On BPM Text or Reading and it will start blinking and will stop blinking when the sensor completes reading and then the reading will be updated to fresh one.
Please Note If for some reason the watch face misses required sensor permissions which you have to give when the watch face has been installed and launched 1st time . Go to settings > App >Permissions and give this watch face all sensor permissions. OR just change the watch face 2x times this may seem strange but when you comeback to this watch face it will ask for permissions if not previously given.
5. Main Hour Inner Index Color can be switched On/Off from customization menu .
6. AOD Hour Inner Index Color can be switched On/Off from customization menu .
7. Hour Dot Outer Index Color can be switched On/Off from customization menu .
8. Dim Mode is available for both main and aod separately in customization menu.
9. LCD Color For Digital Time can be switched On/Off as well from customization menu both for Main and AoD display separately.
10. 5 x Background styles are available in customization menu for main display.
11. You can also turn On/Off Background Styles for AoD if you like from customization menu they are well optimized within On Pixel Ratio below 15% as implemented by Samsung Studio. It has been kept to pure Black by default for better battery efficiency.
12. 6 x Customizable Complications are available to user in the customization menu.
1 x complications visible and 5 x invisible complications shortcuts for you to place shortcut of your favorite apps.