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Dice Roulette : Auto School


Download Dice Roulette APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Name Dice Roulette APK
Version 1.0
Updated 2024-03-11
Developer Auto School
ID autoschool.org.diceroulette
Installs 58
Category Casino

Dice Roulette

The game Dice Roulette consists of the playing field for betting. You can make a bet by pressing any button inside the playing field. The game uses two groups of dice (two left ones and two right ones. Two left dice determine your winnings. And two right dice can cancel it. The first left dice has three red values 1, 2, 3 and three black values 4, 5, 6. The second left dice has three black values 1, 2, 3 and three red values 4, 5, 6. The first right dice has one green value 0 and five yellow values $. The second right dice has one green value 0 and five yellow values $. If you got the two 0's on your right dice than you lose, except for 'red' bets. You can bet on one number or several at the same time using the '+' button. The number means the sum of the values on the left dice. As an example, you can bet on '6' or on '8' number by pressing '6' or '8' button. Or you can bet on '6' and '8' numbers by pressing '+' button between them. On the right you can see how many times you can increase your bet if you win. If you bet on '6' or '8' then you can increase your bet by 7 times. If you bet on '6' & '8' using '+' then you can increase your bet by 3.5 times. You can also bet on '5 & 6' or '8 & 9' by pressing '+' between '5' & '6' or '8' & '9'. Or you can bet on '5, 6, 8, 9' by pressing '+' between these four numbers. On the left you can see how many times you can increase your bet if you win. If you bet on '5 & 6' or '8 & 9' then you can increase your bet by 4 times. If you bet on '5, 6, 8, 9' then you can increase your bet by 2 times. Good Luck!

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