Daily Board
A night theme is also available to help you prevent night glare.
▷ Time, Weather, Calendar
• We tried to make them recognizable even from a distance and highlight their refined beauty.
• Set and use the layout in your desired shape.
▷ Photo Slide Show
• You can always view albums created in Samsung Gallery on the Daily Board.
• You can view photos shared by your friends and family by integrating Samsung Experience Service.
• Add images such as your favorite painting, and use it as your very own decorative piece.
▷ Memo Board
• You can post a to-do list, memos for your family, drawings your child made on the Daily Board, and family members can easily check them at all times.
• Live memo mode presents your memos with an animated view.
(You can switch modes at the bottom-right section of the Memo Board screen.)
▷ Music Controller
• Control music from the Daily Board. (Play/Pause/Skip)
▷ SmartThings
• SmartThings board was added to Daily Board.
• You can check at a glance the status of the devices registered with SmartThings and control them easily and conveniently.
-When you connect a USB charger, a notification advising you to open Daily Board appears in the Quick settings panel. Daily Board will open when you tap this notification.
- Or, when connecting to the USB charger, you can tap a quick launch icon for Daily Board displayed on the navigation bar to launch it.
(Available only when the navigation bar style is set to “Navigation buttons.”. )