Daily Bible Quotes and Verses
Daily verses and prayers for your strength, anxiety, encouragement, inspiration, or healing. Pause a moment and read bible quotes for the day to find out what God speaks to your heart. Drive yourself through the path of God with daily bible verses in the bible app. The inspirational bible verse of the day guides your soul to God. Feel free to share these bible stories and biblical inspirational quotes with your friends and family.
The Holy Bible is a life-saving source with faith and hope quotes for our inner strength. Bible scriptures make you resilient so that you can defeat your emotions. Daily quotes from different versions like bible NIV, holy bible king James version, etc. Give your friends birthday wishes with bible verses and bless them on their birthdays.
Easy to read a daily bible verse and KJV bible quotes with nice-looking images. Short bible verses about love, wedding verses, and bible birthday wishes in the bible quotes and verses app. The international bible quotes are sure to give hope, strength, motivation, comfort, and faith.
The daily bible verse free app delivers Jesus quotes and bible scriptures directly to you daily. The app makes your bible reading easy with devotional messages in the daily bible quotes. You can get beautiful bible quotes wallpapers for your phone and desktop. The holy bible king James version app is created to give you a new experience of studying the KJV bible. It contains the Old Testament and New Testament with text and audio versions.
Start your day by connecting with God with a bible verse of the day. The Bible app can be helpful for your church bible studies with bible NIV and bible king James version. You can browse bible verses daily for free by categories like wedding bible verses, faith and hope quotes, and bible birthday wishes. The bible quotes with pictures and audio version let you read and listen to the daily bible verse offline simultaneously.