Custom Signature Maker
Generate different signature style with our signature app. This custom signature generator allow you to play with your words as it can be used as a signature composer and an autograph maker. Signatory can select auto or manual way to generate glow signature and fancy signature.
Create custom signature using name signature app or sign pdf documents.
Custom Signature Maker is the useful app to create name signature. Create custom signature style or create signature with just one click by using signature app. Generate different signature style for my name.
Sign PDF Documents
Custom Signature Maker has unique functionality to sign pdf file. Select any pdf file from gallery using pdf signer and create signature manually. Try Signature generator to my name to sign pdf documents by just typing your name with auto sign mode.
How to Sign documents?
• Open custom signature maker app and use pdf signer feature
• Select your pdf file that you want to sign
• Custom Signature creator or by typing your name.
• Save your pdf file and enjoy signature maker
• Generate signature with no limit with signature app.
• Enjoy Unlimited signature style.
Auto Signature Maker:
Create signature by typing your name using auto sign mode that contains multiple signature style of digital signature. You can also sign documents or sign pdf file with this signature app. Add emoji and backgrounds using signature maker in your digital signature for pdf signer. Generate unlimited signature style using Signature Maker app.
Manual Signature Maker:
Manual mode contains drawing feature to create signature. Here user has to draw his/her digital signature using finger on mobile screen. After that just click save to generate signature in gallery. Generate unlimited sign using Custom Signature Maker app.
Signature Generator for my name is easy way to generate signature. You can draw your creative digital signature with multiple autograph styles, unique colors and different font size.
Signature Generator Functionalities:
• Create signature or sign pdf file or sign documents
• Generate signature using Auto or Manual mode
• Adjust pen thickness
• Change pen color to create signature
• Adjust background color and Shape
• Select background image from Gallery
• Drag, Scale, Rotate the digital signature to set the style.
• Save your e sign using signature maker in storage
• View saved digital signature or signed pdf file
• Share, Delete previously Sign documents