CFS105 Digital
Watch face information:
- 12/24 time format depending on phone settings
- Date
- Day in year
- Week in year
- Phases of the moon
- Steps
- Moved Distance KM/MI*
- Heart rate
- Battery level of the watch
- Battery level of the phone**
- Multiple of color styles
- Complications and custom shortcuts
- 2 styles of AOD
*Distance KM/MI:
Please select km or miles in the watch settings.
The watch face uses an arithmetic formula to calculate the distance:
1 km = 1312 steps.
1 mile = 2100 steps.
** Battery phone:
To display the phone's charge level, you need a free app Phone Battery Complication.
The Samsung Wearable app doesn't always allow you to customize complex watch faces.
It's not the developers' fault.
In this case, we recommend to customize the watch face directly on the watch.
To customization the watch face, touch and hold the watch display.
We can guarantee the correct operation of the tap zones only on Samsung watches.
We cannot guarantee proper operation on watches from other manufacturers.
If you have any difficulties using our watch face, do not rush to express your dissatisfaction with low ratings.
You can inform us about this directly on [email protected]. We will try to help you.
[email protected]
Thank you for choosing our watch faces!