CCM Exam Practice Test
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Are you looking for the best quiz app to prepare you for your CCM Certification Exam? Then download this app!
CCM Exam Practice Test App is the ultimate resource for case managers preparing for examination. It has been developed and organized based on the Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) exam blueprint by the creator of the #1 test prep book, CCM Certification Made Easy: Your Guide to Passing the Certified Case Manager Exam. It includes over 300 questions covering all 5 domains covered on the exam
With questions on each of the five knowledge domains covered on the exam, and using the same question format as the actual exam, this is not just another CCM Quiz App, it is an indispensable tool for passing your CCM Exam. Whether you use it in practice test mode or study mode, the app status allows you to quickly and easily determine your weak areas.
The CCM Exam Practice Test App offers:
- Complete practice tests for comprehensive exam preparation.
- Questions written specifically for the CCM Exam.
- Quick identification of your weak areas
- Study mode, exam mode, and timed mode for customized practice
- Focus on specific sections (knowledge domains)
- Bookmarking questions for easy review
- Detailed explanations and rationales for a better understanding
- Study goal setting with reminders to help you stay on track
- Over 300 questions!
The five knowledge domains covered on the exam:
- Care Delivery and Reimbursement Methods
- Psychosocial Concepts and Support Systems
- Quality and Outcomes Evaluation and Measurements
- Rehabilitation Concepts and Strategies
- Ethical, Legal, and Practice Standards
If you have any questions or comments, email us any time: [email protected] or call 508-299-3000
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Author(s): Deanna Cooper Gillingham, RN, CCM
Publisher: Case Management Institute