Calculator Vault - Photo Vault
Want to hide your images, videos, contacts, and other files in a private place..?
Install this Calculator Vault - Photo Vault App to keep safe all your privacy in one place. This Calculator Vault App is a smart app to hide your private data in one place without knowing anyone. Now not worry about your mobile privacy like personal photos, videos, documents, notes, files, and many more, through our app you have to choice hide anything behind the working calculator. This Calc Image Vault has all the smart features to keep it safe in the vault gallery.
This Calculator Vault has all options to get back any deleted media files, which means you don't have to take tension about losing private data. This Calculator Vault is specially designed with an attractive user interface with which no one can get this Vault app. This is a secret calculator, HideVault gallery vault & video lock is a stunning free video gallery vault, photo gallery lock, audio protector, and privacy lock for your personal information and media files.
Calculator Vault Here we bring something usable app to hide your privacy behind the calculator. This Calculator Vault apps allow you to keep safe all your mobile data behind the calculator in which we provide facilities to hide videos, images, files, documents, and notes with pin password security. No one can realize that calculator can hide your private data. This Calculator Locker can help you to keep safe your images, videos, and app. You can use simply this Calculator lock app as a like calculator and easy to view and edit your private data without knowing anyone.
This Calculator Vault has special features to keep safe passwords like ATM, Bank a/c, Credit Card, E-Mail, ID Card, Website, E-Commerce, Social, Business Details, and General information in one place. App specially organized to get back up and restore anytime data by mistake you lost, so now no worries to keep all files in a safe place without tension to lost it. This All in on Calculator Vault specially organized to keep safe all your mobile data in one simple working calculator
All in one Calculator Vault to hide your private data
Easily hide photos
Hide Private videos and movies
Keep Safe backup of your contacts
Save all your private notes in one place
Safe password protection to hide atm, bank details, credit card details, website, E-commerce, etc
Otherfiles media protector
Easy way to backup and restore mobile data
Friendly user interface with Password protection
Keep your private images and videos in a safe place
Easy to hide application behind calculator vault
Most secure private gallery to hide data easily
Manage your images and videos easily
Store all your private data with a secure pin password
Strong app lock protector behind the calculator vault
Easy to manage, delete, unhide and move hidden data back