Bid Whist - Expert AI
Experienced Bid Whist player? Six levels of AI play are offered. Let NeuralPlay's AI challenge you!
Features include:
• Hints.
• Undo.
• Offline play.
• Replay hand.
• Skip hand.
• Detailed statistics.
• Customization. Choose the deck backs, color theme, and more.
• Play checker. Let the computer check your bids and plays throughout the game and point out differences.
• Review the play of the hand trick by trick at the end of the hand.
• Six levels of computer AI to provide challenges for beginning to advanced players.
• Unique thinking AI to provide a strong AI opponent for different rule variations.
• Claim the remaining tricks when your hand is high.
• Finish hand when set. Play quickly. When the hand is set, optionally finish the hand early as there is no need to play the remaining tricks of the hand.
• Achievements and leaderboards.
Rule customizations include:
• Kitty size. Choose the size of the kitty: 6 cards, 5 cards, 4 cards, or no cards.
• Sport kitty. Choose how the kitty is sported: to all players when there is a trump suit, to only the declarer, or to all.
• Minimum bid. Set the minimum bid from one to four.
• Level only bidding. The declarer then chooses the trump and direction: High, Low (aces good), and Low (aces bad).
• High and low bid ranking. Choose whether high and low bids are equivalent at a given level or a low bid beats a high bid.
• Notrump scoring. Choose whether or not notrump contracts are worth double the points of suit contracts.
• Boston scoring. Choose whether or not to score double points for Boston bids.
• Overtrick scoring. Choose whether overtricks are scored as one point or no points.
• Joker play during notrump contracts. Choose how jokers must be played during notrump contracts: can be discarded anytime one does not have the suit lead; must be discarded as soon as one does not have the suit lead; may be played anytime but will not capture the trick; or must be placed in the kitty or exchanged with the kitty.
• Two of Spades. Choose to make the Two of Spades a high trump.
• Game over. Choose whether the game ends at a predetermined number of points or after a certain number of hands.