Start by reviving an old, broken-down bee business. Generate bees that fly into the forest to gather nectar, depositing it into honeycombs. The nectar is then filtered and refined, preparing it to be sold in the bustling honey market. Along the way, you'll be guided by helpful gnomes, who transport items and teach you the ancient methods of traditional honey-making. Manage your team, upgrade your factories, and watch as your honey empire expands across the enchanted forest.
* Detailed 3D Graphics: In BEE A TYCOON, every element comes to life in stunning detail. From the buzzing bees to the workers in the filtration factory, enjoy a high-resolution experience with intricate visuals.
* Rewards: Complete tasks and levels to earn exciting rewards and grow your empire faster.
* Idle Gameplay: Hire managers to run the bee factory while you're away. Your workers will continue producing honey even when you're offline, letting you focus on expanding and strategizing your business.
Download BEE A TYCOON now and start building your honey business empire!