Automatic Tapper : Auto Click
Automatically click or swipe anywhere on the screen you want with custom durations.
You can set single or multiple points anytime on screen.
Easy to save scripts in your phone to run anytime.
Features :-
* Automatic tapping on screen with single or multiple points.
* Easily add single or multiple clicking points.
* You can swipes routes easily.
* Add, active and customize scripts for automatic tapping.
* You can run scripts anytime, so you don't need to set points again to use this app.
* Very helpful while reading books or large content on phone.
* You can change auto clicker icon color and background color with solid color and gradient color.
* Set time intervals and click sequences.
Permission :-
- This app require to enable Accessibility Service API to enable core features such as simulating auto clicks, tapping and swipes on the screen and use foreground services to set up a series of clicks on screen.
- This app doesn’t collect users any private data using this permission.