Authenticator: 2FA & Password
The generated codes are one time tokens that provide an extra layer of security to your online accounts. After scanning a simple QR code, your account is protected. 2FA Authenticator app helps keep your online accounts secure on supporting TOTP websites.
Authenticator app generates Two Factor Authentication (2FA) codes for your online accounts. TOTP and HOTP types are supported.
It also support SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 algorithms.
App generate new tokens after every 30 sec (by default or user specific time).
The generated codes are one time tokens that provide an extra layer of security to your online accounts. After scanning a simple QR code, your account is protected or you can add manually details.
Also view the qr codes of linked account using app.
Add or remove photo to generated tokens and change font family & colour of text too.
To set up your account authentication, you can either use QR Code or enter your secret key manually in authenticator app.
1. Two Factor Authentication
2. Generate 30 & 60 seconds Tokens
3. TOTP & PUSH Authentication
4. Password Protection
5. Screenshot Security
6. Strong Password Generator
7. QR Code scanner for Accounts
8. How to use App Information
Download the all new Authenticator app for FREE !!!