Aramex Global Shopper
My Shipments
All the history & other details about your shipped packages, as far back as 6 months, ready for viewing anytime, anywhere.
My Addresses
Exact details of your personal Aramex global shopper addresses at any of our facilities in 26 countries worldwide
Upgrade to FLEX
Current Basic members can easily upgrade to FLEX through the new app experience.
Office Locator
Find the office or pick-up point nearest to you.
More from Aramex global shopper:
26 shipping addresses worldwide:
Aramex global shopper is an international shipping service for online shopping that allows you to shop from 26 countries around the world: Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Singapore, (South Africa for Botswana and Namibia only) , South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, UK, and USA.
Actual weight*:
We deliver your shopping at rates you will love because unlike other shippers who charge by size or volumetric weight, we go by Actual Weight. You save because you only pay for the ‘actual’ weight you ship vs. volumetric charges.
Money Back Guarantee*:
Another great reason for joining Aramex global shopper Online: If at any time during the first year of having an active Aramex global shopper account, you believe that our service did not meet your expectations, you can ask for a refund - no questions asked!
AGS Protect*:
Enjoy more peace-of-mind when shopping cross-border. You can have all your shipments above US$100 and up to US$2500 or equivalent protected against loss or damage. Shipments below US$ 100 are covered automatically by us. You can learn more about AGS Protect here
So what are you waiting for? Download the new Aramex global shopper app today and discover a new world of shopping, which is faster than standard international shipping, more convenient, smarter and cost effective.
* Terms and Conditions apply