App Launching Rules Pro
Key Features:
1. Secure App Launch: Require biometric authentication or custom passcode when launching specific apps for added security.
2. Alarm Alert: Get alerted with an alarm sound when launching specific apps to stay informed.
3. User Reminders: Receive reminders when using one or more specific apps to stay on track with your tasks.
4. Voice Alerts: Enable voice alerts when launching specific apps for hands-free operation.
5. Volume and Brightness Control: Automatically adjust volume or screen brightness when launching specific apps for a seamless experience.
6. Quizziz Integration: Complete Quizziz quizzes when launching specific apps to enhance your learning experience.
7. Predefined Rules: Access a variety of predefined rules to easily define your own rules according to your preferences.
8. Usage Statistics: Keep track of app launches and usage time according to your defined rules for better management.
With ALR, you can customize your app usage experience to suit your needs and preferences. Download now and take control of your Android device like never before!