Amazon Business: B2B Shopping
Save time & energy by leveraging our various administrative & shopping tools. Our integration with 3rd party partners such as Intuit Quickbooks makes tracking, managing & analyzing your business purchases & spending easy! Our three-way match feature can be easily accessed in the Amazon Business mobile app & enables you to scan a package with your camera & mark it as received.
Wholesale Business Shopping anywhere at any time
• Our B2B store and vast selection offers products, business-only pricing, & solutions for every type of business
• B2B Wholesale Store: Enjoy wholesale prices & save money on your business purchases
• Shop, buy, track, & manage all your business purchases from our store anywhere at any time
• Sign into the Amazon Business mobile app using your Amazon Business account for volume discounts on the business products you shop for
• Shopping has never been easier! Shop faster with curated item lists
• Custom Online Shopping: Set delivery preferences & get fast, convenient shipping to meet your operational needs
Track, Manage & Analyze
• Three-Way Match: Scan a package using your phone's camera to mark it as received to keep your business shopping & purchases organized
• Sign into the Amazon Business mobile app using your Amazon Business Prime account to access powerful spending management tools & dashboards, as well as Guided Buying which allows you to create polices to prefer or block the type of products your teams can buy
• Efficient Online Shopping: Manage & invite other team members to join your business account to keep things organized and convenient!
• Download invoices for purchases, approve staff purchases, & make the purchases you need on our wholesale business store while adhering to organizational policies
• Apply professional credentials to buy specialty items or apply your tax exemptions to eligible purchases with Amazon Tax Exemption Program
Integrated Partners
• Amazon Business can be integrated with various partners to help save you time & money
• Integration with Intuit Quickbooks helps you track and manage your purchases & finances
Something for Everyone
• Amazon Business works with and has solutions for any business! From small & big companies to solopreneurs!
• Our tools, dashboards, and deals help save teachers & schools time & money
• Our non-profit-focused solutions can help your non-profit save time & money
• Sign into your Amazon Business Prime account to access to tools & dashboards to make your business spending more efficient
For the best experience, you'll be asked to enable the functions below:
Camera: Find products by scanning the cover or its barcode, can barcodes to mark an order as received using Three-way match, and add pictures to product reviews
Microphone: Access your microphone to use your voice to search and interact with your Assistant
Location: Discover local offers and select addresses quickly
Account: Share products with your colleagues through social networks
Storage: Store your preferences so features can load and run faster on the device