All Finance: Stock Market Coin
commodities, futures, etfs and more.
✓ Real-time stock quotes for NASDAQ, Dow Jones, NYSE, ETFs, Indices, S&P 500, and more.
✓ Financial data including open price, close price, daily high/low, 52-week high/low, aftermarket and premarket,
gain/loss, end-of-day quote.
✓ Track stocks, indexes, mutual funds, equity, ETFs, currencies, cryptocurrencies, commodities, futures.
✓ Real-time stock quotes for USA exchanges and some international stock markets
✓ Exchange rates and currency converter
✓ Track the Crypto-currency market. Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum and alt coins such as Litecoin, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash,
Monero, and more.
✓ Stock charts and including Daily, 5 days, monthly, 6 month, yearly, 5 year and without limit historical charts.
✓ Detailed info on each stock quote including daily and yearly price ranges, market cap and volume.
✓ Trending Tickers: be informed what stocks are being discussed the most each day.
✓ Follow up-to-the-commodity prices: Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Brent Oil, Natural Gas, Copper and Platinum.