Aldeeb resources company
The aspirations of Al-Deeb Recruitment Company have no limits, based on its belief that good and distinguished service is the real gain and that it does not seek short-term gains, and to enable the client to obtain skilled workers who have received training and qualifications in the customs, traditions and values of particularity that distinguish the Saudi family. Therefore, the company is keen to continue training and qualifying all domestic workers. This ensures that domestic workers continue to work, and it is aware of the nature of the customs and traditions that characterize Saudi society in general and the Saudi family in particular. At the same time, it ensures customer satisfaction with the services provided to him and reduces the high costs that usually accompany bringing in unqualified or completely ignorant workers The social customs, traditions, and behaviors going on around it must be familiar with them.
ALdeeb Company seeks to be at the forefront of the domestic labor recruitment sector in providing domestic labor services by contributing to meeting the client’s needs professionally in the local market.